Rise Family Chiropractic


By opting into our SMS service for Rise Family Chiropractic, you agree to receive communication and promotional texts from Rise Family Chiropractic. These messages will assist you in managing answers to your questions and keep you up to date on the latest office specials. You have the right to cancel the SMS service at any time. To unsubscribe, simply text us "STOP". Once we receive your "STOP" request, we will send you an SMS confirming your unsubscribe status. After the confirmation, you will no longer receive any SMS messages from us. If you wish to rejoin the service, you can sign up again using the same process, and we will resume our communication texts to you. In the event that you experience issues with our messaging program, you can reach us directly at our office email: [email protected] or

call 636-306-2244.

Please note that carriers are not liable for any delayed or undelivered messages. Additionally, standard message and data rates may apply for both incoming and outgoing messages between us and you. The frequency of promotional messages you will receive is no more than 5 per month. If you have any questions regarding your text plan or data plan, we recommend contacting your wireless provider for more information.

For any further assistance or inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or 636-306-2244.

Thank you for choosing Rise Family Chiropractic for your health needs. We look forward to assisting you and providing exceptional service.